
Achieve more together

We help life scientists with cryo-EM sample preparation to achieve more groundbreaking research discoveries that will make a lasting difference in life

CryoSol-World (CryoSol) is an innovative high-tech company that aims to become the global leader in sample preparation technology for cryo-EM. At CryoSol, we believe innovation in sample preparation technology is of vital importance for structural biologists to advance their cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) results. This is why our focus is on controllable and reproducible solutions. Our unique VitroJet solution helps structural biologists unravel the mysteries of proteins: the molecules of life. Proteins play a key role in developing life-changing medicines, vaccines, and cures for diseases, like COVID-19 and cancer. It will take a lot of research, knowledge-sharing and hard work to get there. That is why we are driven to help structural biologists with their challenges to vitrify samples and speed up their workflow with high-throughput. We are passionate about science and we like to push the boundaries of technology. We are a flexible, open-minded team that thrives on sharing knowledge. We value the contributions of customers, partners, and colleagues around the world. Together, we can help life scientists in their quest to achieve more groundbreaking research discoveries that will make a lasting difference in life. Because two achieve more.

After 20 years of blotting and plunging, it’s time to change!

Bring your cryo-EM sample preparation under control with the VitroJet

We have moved cryo-EM sample preparation into the new era of automation and high-throughput. After numerous years of struggles with blotting and plunge freezing it was time for things to change! The fully automated VitroJet, using pre-clipped grids, grants constant reproducibility of sample preparation for both novices and specialists in structural biology research. The VitroJet allows every scientist to control the process and to produce high quality samples. Having a highly controllable and reproducible manner of sample preparation is a vital step for your team to advance your cryo-EM research results. Ultimately the process brings a higher return on investment. It allows you to use the imaging power of your cryo-electron microscope to its full potential. The automated VitroJet takes you into the future.

A new era of cryo-EM
sample preparation

Explore the benefits of the VitroJet Solution

Control and reproducibility of your samples for cryo-EM

The VitroJet is the most innovative solution today to vitrify your samples for cryo-EM: highly controlled and reproducible. Its technology allows any scientist interested in structural biology to take the next step when it comes to sample preparation.

Altogether, this makes the VitroJet the most innovative solution to vitrify your samples for cryo-EM controlled and reproducible. Having a handle over your grid preparation enables scientists to reach results faster. In this way unraveling the mysteries of proteins for the development of life-changing medicines, vaccines, and cures for diseases.   

Pre-clipped autogrids for sample optimization and flexibility

Automated workflows for user-independence and reduced training

Embedded plasma treatment for consistent grid wettability

Pin-printing for nanometer deposition precision

Jet vitrification for superior cooling rates

Visual feedback for sample layer validation

Unravel the mysteries of proteins

Your sample of choice 

Scientists in structural biology research and drug discovery are performing cutting edge research with high-end imaging equipment to unravel the yet unknown secrets of nature. With single particle analysis using cryo-EM, structures and complexes of macromolecules can be resolved at near-atomic resolution. With ongoing pressure to reduce the time-to-market of new drugs, the VitroJet is here to contribute in speeding up structural biology research and discovery of new drugs. In your application field, you want to prepare high quality samples to research the structures of soluble proteins, membrane proteins, larger biological structures and small molecules and ligand binding.

Whether you are a structural biologist for your academic or pharma research the VitroJet helps you to prepare your samples for cryo-EM.

Soluble proteins

Membrane proteins

Small molecules and ligand binding

Larger biological structures

Our customers

Discover how we can help you achieve more



Service labs

Pharmaceutical companies

We help scientists in structural biology research and drug discovery to achieve more groundbreaking research in in the life sciences field. This includes scientists around the world working at world’s leading institutes, top academia, service labs and pharmaceutical companies. Our customers at pharmaceutical companies and service labs are focused on speed to accelerate in the drug discovery research. Current sample preparation methods are the main bottleneck, of which high-throughput sample preparation can largely benefit pace of new discovery. Our customers at academia and institutes strive for controlled and reproducible sample preparation methods for cryo-EM innovative research, avoiding the highly manual and laborious current preparation methods. We provide the VitroJet solution to help you obtain reliable and reproducible results, in a high-throughput manner. The samples are produced at high quality, of which prescreening on low-end microscopes is no longer necessary due to the pre-screening process implemented in the VitroJet. Overall, this makes the VitroJet a time and cost saving solution in the field of cryo-EM.

University Wisconsin, Madison, USA
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Slac, National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, USA
ShanghaiTech University, China
Riken, Tokyo, Japan
EMBL Imaging Centre, Heidelberg, Germany
NIH, National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, USA
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, USA
leadXpro, Villigen, Switzerland
PennState University, USA
Osaka University, Japan
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen + Frankfurt, Germany
Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Helsinki, Finland
UBC The University British Columbia, Canada
Astex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, United Kingdom
PNCC, Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center, Portland, USA

Share knowledge together in the CryoSol Community

Join our webinars and events

The CryoSol Community welcomes you to share knowledge about sample preparation for cryo-EM and learn from each other. We believe this is vital to advance cryo-EM research. In our community, we share scientific publications about sample preparation technology, new insights and practical knowledge to innovate sample preparation. We share interesting news and events where we will be present. We have a frequently asked questions and answers. So more life scientists around the world can achieve groundbreaking research. Because two achieve more.

Wanted: high-tech heroes
for life science

We are looking for top achievers
to join our mission

Are you one of the high-tech heroes who loves to work together on challenges in life sciences? Then we need you! We are a new international high-tech company with Dutch roots that aims to become the global leader in sample preparation technology for cryo-EM. We believe innovation in this field is of vital importance to advance cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) results.


We are here to help

We are here to help life scientists to achieve groundbreaking research discoveries that will make a lasting difference in life. We invite you to share your current challenges with our direct sales or service team and hear how we can help you. Let´s get into contact and hear how we can be of help!


Schoutlaan 21
6002 EA Weert, The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 18898791