
Privacy policy

1. Introduction

Within CryoSol-World bv (CryoSol) we are committed to respect and protect your privacy in compliance with EUGeneral Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the GDPR) and all other regulations that apply to the nature of our business, such as the Dutch Telecommunications Act. This Privacy Statement will set out and explain CryoSol’s procedures in order for CryoSol to be in compliance with the GDPR and other national and international laws applicable to the processing of personal data. We will explain why we collect personal information, when, how we use it, how we keep it safe, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and what you can do to access your stored data or to exercise your additional rights under the GDPR. This Privacy Statement applies to all our services that include, among others, the use of our products, our marketing activities, business development activities, sales processes, customer contract activities, and recruitment.

CryoSol is strongly committed to protecting your privacy and complying with your choices. Both personal and non-personal information collected is safeguarded according to the privacy and data protection standards adopted worldwide. We will clearly inform you when information that personally identifies you is asked for and you will have the choice to provide it or not. Generally, this information needs to be provided when you request to be contacted or subscribe to product updates, newsletters or other digital services.

Your information will not be shared, rented or sold to any unauthorized third party. Our security measures protect your information from unauthorized users. We give you the possibility to control the information that you shared with us (opt-out).

2. Who are we

CryoSol-World (CryoSol) is an innovative high-tech company that develops, delivers and services sample
preparation technology for cryo-EM. Our company headquarters is located in Weert (The Netherlands). O

CryoSol-World (CryoSol) is an innovative high-tech company that develops, delivers and services sample preparation technology for cryo-EM. Our company headquarters is located in Weert (The Netherlands). Our authorized representatives are based in China, Japan and the United States. We operate throughout the whole world.

CryoSol is responsible for your privacy and the processing of your personal data We can be contacted by e-mail:

3. Your personal data

This Privacy Statement applies to all our services and the processing of your personal data in this matter.

CryoSol will process your personal data for the purposes set forth below. CryoSol will hereinafter identify the categories of personal data involved, the specific purpose of processing, and the legal basis that CryoSol relies on for each purpose. CryoSol shall not process your personal data for any purposes other than those that are set out in this Privacy Statement. In addition hereto, your personal data will not be stored for longer than is necessary for these purposes, unless we are required to do so under law.

In general, we shall request your prior consent for the processing of your personal data, unless said data is ought to be required for the performance of a contract, we are obliged to process it under law, or if we have a legitimate interest in doing so. Where the processing is based on your consent hereto, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. Please be informed that the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness or processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you choose not to provide us with certain personal data, we may not be able to provide you with our services. CryoSol will inform you of what personal data is required when collecting such personal data or in this Privacy Statement. CryoSol only collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary from you, unless you choose to provide more information.

3.1. Use of our website

Via our website,, you may download several brochures or other documentation about our products by filling in your first and last name, name of your organization, country, e-mail address, role, application. In some cases a phone number can be requested. This data will be used for a better personal for a better, personal experience with CryoSol-World bv to provide you with the requested information or to be contact by our Application and Sales Specialists.

You may also sign up for our newsletters about our new products, special offers, webinars, demo’s, scientific information or other product, software and service information that might be relevant to you. You may at all times opt-out, unsubscribe or withdraw your consent to receive such details or special offers by clicking on the “unsubscribe” button at the footer of each e-mail, or by sending an e-mail to this effect to After such withdrawal of consent CryoSol will delete your e-mail address from our internal records on our newsletters mails as quickly as possible, within a maximum of 5 working days.

Webinars and demo request form

You may attend several webinars via our website To attend a webinar we will ask you to provide us with your first and last name, email address, job position, country, and lastly your organization. For the webinars we use Livestorm.

To download and watch previously held webinars we ask you to fill in your first and last name, e-mail address, name of the organization, your country, and your position/job title. This data will be used to send you our news updates, which include the upcoming webinars.

If you are interested in attending a CryoSol demo, you may register for such a demo via the particular registration page on our website. To submit your registration via the registration form, you must provide your first and last name, the name of your organization, your e-mail address, your phone number and application details. This data will also be used to have our Application Scientists and Account Managers send you personalized e-mails and contact you.

Contact and product information form

You may contact us via our contact form on our website for more information, a demo on our products, or a quote. We will ask you to provide us with your first and last name, organization, your country, e-mail address, role, application, phone number in order to be contacted.

Cookies and similar techniques

The website also uses cookies.

For processing your personal data we use Hubspot.

Quote request form

You may request a quote through our website to explore the possibility to order. In order to send such a quote, we will ask for detailed contact information, including a phone number. Without such information, we are not able provide the best possible quote details.

When you order with us, we collect your contact details to send the order confirmation and product. We also collect your phone number in order to contact you in case needed.

3.2 Consent

When you provide your personal information, you consent that it can be used for the above purposes and that CryoSol-World and only its official local representatives are authorized holders of such information. If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use our website but you will not be able to receive additional services or access certain areas that require registration. When you buy our product you are providing your consent to occasionally receive information from us. In each communication from us you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe from further communications; alternatively, you may contact us to express your choices at the address and e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

3.3. Careers at CryoSol

Via our website, we display all currently available vacancies within CryoSol. If you wish to apply to one of our vacancies or to send an open job application, you may use our contact form, in which you must provide us with your first and last name, your e-mail address, a short motivation as to why you wish to join CryoSol, and a copy of your CV.

As we are committed to supporting an inclusive and diverse work environment for everyone and to respect differences and oppose discrimination, we may gather information of a sensitive nature, including your address, city and country which information you may provide on a voluntary basis.

The information provided by you will only be used for recruitment and selection purposes only, so we may assess whether you are suitable for the vacant position at stake.

After the application procedure has been completed, your data will be deleted within four weeks, unless you have given us your permission to store your data for up to one year hereafter.

3.4. Other

If you recently published an article related to the field of research we operate in, we may save your name and publication subject for contact purposes in order to explain why our product may be helpful for your research. In this respect, we make use of an online service that may visualize or identify certain academic entities operating in a specific field of expertise and will only use openly accessible information that is ought to be published for contact purposes.

4. Sharing your information

We do not, and will not, sell any of your personal data to any third party – including your name, address, email address, or credit card information. We want to earn and maintain your trust, and we believe this is absolutely essential in order to do that. However, we share your data with the following categories of companies as an essential part of being able to provide our services to you, as set out in this statement:

  • Companies that do things to get your purchases to you, such as delivery companies;
  • Professional service providers, such as marketing agencies, advertising partners and website hosts, who help us run our business;
  • Our distributors, agents, sub-contractors or other associated organizations with the purpose of them providing services to you on our behalf;

More in particular, we use Hubspot as our marketing automation platform to send marketing e-mails. By registering to our newsletter subscription list, in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.

Furthermore, we use Hubspot as our Sales, Business Development, where we store all information collected about you.

5. Our legal basis for collecting personal data

As set out in this Privacy Statement, we may collect and process your personal data on the basis of your consent or permission thereto, on the basis of contracts and the performance thereof, or on the basis of a legitimate interest of CryoSol or a third party.

Collecting personal data based on consents

The collection of personal data based on consent from the data subject will be done by using “Consent Forms” that will store documentation related to the consent given by you.

Collecting personal data based on contracts

We use personal information for fulfilling our obligations related to contracts and agreements with customers, partners, and suppliers.

6. How long do we keep your personal data?

We store personal data on our secure servers with restricted user access for as long as we find it necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the personal data was collected. In this respect we consider the need to answer your queries or resolve possible problems, to comply with legal or tax requirements under applicable laws and regulations, to attend to any legal claims/complaints, and for safeguarding purposes. This means that we may retain your personal data for a reasonable period of time after your last interaction with us tp provide you with best possible service. When the personal data that we have collected is no longer required, we will delete it in a secure manner. We may process data for statistical purposes, but in such cases, data will be anonymized.

7. The use of cookies & similar techniques

The website uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine  – to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, we use cookies to make your browsing experience better. The information received by using cookies is used to make the website work more efficiently, to measure how users interact with our website and the contents thereof, to measure the effectiveness of our website, and to detect and prevent security threats and abuse.

Functional cookies are strictly necessary for using this website, for instance for remembering to prevent having to click on the same message multiple times, to recognize the type of device used to visit our website or to remember your language preferences. In general, such cookies do not contain any personal information.

In addition, hereto, we also use certain analytical cookies to gather anonymous information about how our website is used via Google Analytics. The insights we draw from this information may help us improve our website. These cookies only have a limited impact on your privacy, as we have concluded a processing agreement with Google, the last octet of your IP address will be masked, we will not share any data other than for the purposes as mentioned above, and we do not use any other Google services in combination with these cookies.

You may prefer to disable cookies on this website and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.

In addition, hereto, we will automatically process your IP address when you make use of one of our contact forms on our website to prevent any fraudulent use of these forms.

8. Access to your Information

You are entitled to review the personal information you have provided us and ensure that it is accurate and current at all times.

9. Changes to this Privacy Statement

CryoSol reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time. The applicable version will always be found on our websites. We encourage you to check this Privacy Statement occasionally to ensure that you are happy with any changes. If there are any significant changes to this Statement, we will send you a notification before the change becomes effective. If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact us by sending an e-mail to

10. Enforcement of Policy

If for some reason you believe CryoSol-World has not adhered to these principles, please notify us and we will do our best to promptly make corrections.

11. Questions or Comments

If you have questions or comments about this privacy policy, please email us or write us at:

CryoSol-World bv

Schoutlaan 21
6002 EA Weert
The Netherlands

For more direct contact details how to contact CryoSol-World, please visit our contact page.

This privacy statement was last updated in April 2022.