5th International Symposium on Cryo-3D Image Analysis 2024
We are delighted to announce that our VitroJet distributor, NanoScience Instruments, will be present at the 5th International Symposium on Cryo-3D Image Analysis 2024, taking place from March 13-16, 2024, in Lake Tahoe, California, United States. VitroJet experts will be available to provide you with the latest insights into VitroJet technology.
Explore the forefront of automated cryo-EM Sample Preparation and Screening, pioneered by high-tech innovator CryoSol-World. NanoScience Instruments, the VitroJet US distributor, joined by Chad Tabatt among others, will be on hand to demonstrate how VitroJet sample prep precision combines with efficiency. Discover the secrets of controlling layer thickness and quality, revolutionizing your team’s productivity and throughput.
Learn about the automated workflows and protocols for thin, medium, and thick ice, enabling every user to achieve exceptional results. Accelerate your cryo-EM workflow, facilitating groundbreaking discoveries in a time and cost-efficient manner. Engage in conversations with VitroJet experts on-site and participate in Chad’s poster presentation. The team is prepared to bring you up to speed and elevate your understanding to new heights.
Embark on a journey of scientific advancement with CryoSol – shaping the future of cryo-EM sample preparation technology.
Wednesday 13, March 2024 to Saturday 16, March 2024
Granlibakken Conference Center, Lake Tahoe, California, United States
More about the event
The topics for this year’s symposium are:
- 3D Heterogeneity
- Protocols for automation; from correlative LM to Aquilos and beyond
- AI Deep Learning
- Data Validation, model building and model quality
- Feature Annotation and Segmentation in-situ, and identifications of proteins from volume
- Round Table on data archiving and public data repository policies
The 5th biennial CryoEM 3D Image Analysis Symposium is proudly organized in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine, with the esteemed partnership of the Scintillon Research Institute. This symposium prioritizes the technical dimensions of Cryo-EM image processing algorithms, highlighting advancements in this crucial aspect of the field.
- Steve J. Ludtke, Director, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, CryoEM/ET Core Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA
- Dorit Hanein, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Departments of Biological Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara USA
Keynote Speaker Wednesday March 13th
- David Mastronarde, University of Colorado Boulder, Professor, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Key note: Computational challenges in electron tomography, past and present
- Mark Basham, Science Director, Artificial Intelligence and Informatics, The Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxfordshire, UK. Warp’s Up? New Features in Warp and M
- Anchi Cheng, Team Leader, Chan Zuckerberg Imaging Institute, San Francisco, USA: Data pipeline at CZII
- Pilar Cossio, Professor Center for Computational Mathematics, Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation, New York USA: Simulation-based inference to identify conformations in cryo-EM
- Tristan Croll, Principle Scientist, Altos Lab, Cambridge, United Kingdom: Physics-based interactive model building in ISOLDE
- Joey Davis, Associate Professor, Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA: Visualizing ribosome assembly through cryo-EM, cryo-ET, and deep learning
- Tilman Franke, Product Manager for the Cryo-ET Software Workflow, Thermo Fisher Scientific Planegg, Germany: An Acquisition and Reconstruction Pipeline with On-The-Fly Quality Assessment for Cryo-Electron Tomography
- Naoki Hosogi, JEOL Ltd
- Slavica Jonic, Research Director CNRS, IMPMC-UMR 7590 CNRS, Sorbonne University, MNHN, Paris, France: Methods based on molecular dynamics simulations for extracting continuous conformational landscapes from single particle images (MDSPACE) and subtomograms (MDTOMO)
- Jason Kaelber, Rutgers University
- Daisuke Kihara, Professor, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Purdue University, USA: Protein and DNA/RNA Structure Modeling and validation for Cryo-EM Using Deep Learning
- Bronwyn Ayla Lucas, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology University of California, Berkeley, USA: Methods to characterize macromolecular structure in situ using high-resolution 2D cryo-EM images
- Antonio Martinez-Sánchez, Professor in Computer Sciences University of Murcia, Spain: Efficient object detection for in situ quantitative analysis in cryo electron tomography
- Colin Palmer, Scientist CCP-EM Project, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK: Automated data processing with the CCP-EM Pipeliner
- Nicholas Sauter, Computer Senior Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA: Interactive Machine Learning for Tomogram Segmentation
- Peter Schwander, Professor Department of Physics University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Continuous Heterogeneity: Biological Function & Dynamics
- Amit Singer, Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Program Princeton University Princeton University, Princeton USA : RECOVAR: A Bayesian Framework for Heterogeneity Analysis using Regularized Covariance Estimation
- Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano, Professor, Biocomputing Unit Centro Nacional Biotecnología (CSIC), Madrid, Spain / National Center for Biotechnology (Spain): Advancements in Deep Learning for Single Particle Analysis through Cryo-electron Microscopy
- Dimitry Tegunov, Principal Scientist & Group Leader Genentech, South San Francisco, USA
- Min Xu, Associate Professor, Computational Biology Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA: Unsupervised deep learning for subtomogram clustering and alignment
- Koji Yonekura, Professor, RIKEN SPring-8 Center/IMRAM, Tohoku University, Japan: Measurement of charges and chemical bonding in cryo-EM SPA and 3D ED structures; Tohoku University
- Hong Zhou, Professor, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics California NanoSystems Institute at University of California, Los Angeles, USA: Deep learning approaches to preferred orientation and missingwedge problems
Organizing committee
- José-María Carazo Garcia, Professor, Biocomputing Unit Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid, SPAIN, National Center for Biotechnology (Spain), Introduction
- Edward Egelman, University of Virginia
- Masahide Kikkawa, Professor, Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Niels Volkmann, Professor, Departments of Biological Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Biomolecular Science and Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA USA
- Peijun Zhang, University of Oxford (England), Peijun Zhang, Session Chair Professor of structural biology and wellcome trust investigator University of Oxford, UK
Attendees are encouraged to partake in comprehensive discussions, with each presentation followed by an extended session dedicated to fostering dialogue. Furthermore, a significant poster-talk session will offer a platform for showcasing cutting-edge advancements and facilitating discussions for those introducing new concepts to the field of cryo-EM.