
NEMI day 2023 | Imaging processes

Thursday October 12, 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

12:15 -13:30 VitroJet poster presentation

VitroJet layer thickness determination and layer adjustment during grid preparation before cryo-EM


Maaike Schotman, Application Scientist at CryoSol-World will present the latest research performed to underpin how layer thickness can be determined with the VitroJet. Moreover she will explain how ice thickness can be ajusted.

Have a chat with her today and learn how automated cryo-EM Sample Preparation capabilities speed up the cryo-EM workflow and what this could mean for your team efficiency. We are looking forward to meeting you in the Auditorium at the Technical University Eindhoven. It will be a full day of scientific research that investigates the dynamic nature of specimens across both life and materials sciences (LS & MS).

Find the full programm here. An have a glance here already at the speakers:

10:45-11:30 Dr. See Wee Chee (MS, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin)

11:30-11:45 Daniel Hurdiss (LS, UU)

11:45-12:00 Nikolav Orlov (MS, AMOLF)

12:00-12:15 Nicole van Wel (LS, Amsterdam UMC)

13:30-14:15 Prof. Rouslan Efremov (LS, VIB-VUB Center for Structural Biology)

14:15-14:30 Jason Heinrichs (MS, TU/e)

14:30-14:45 Luco Rutten (LS, RadboudUMC)

14:45-15:00 Sense Jan van der Molen (MS, Leiden University)

15:30-16:00 Dr. Wiebke Albrecht (MS – AMOLF)

16:00-16:30 Dr. Aexander Belyy (LS, RUG)

Don’t miss out.